
How to clean your wig

Time:2017-08-22 Click:3163

Tools needs: Wood Comb, Sink or Basin, Clean water, Shampoo, Conditioner, Dry Towel .

1. Wigs don't get dirty easily, so don't need to wash them often. If you wear your wig every day, wash it once or twice per month. If you wear it occasionally, wash it once per six months. 

2. In a sink or basin, add a small amount of shampoo to cold water. Soak your wig for approximately 10 minutes. 

3. Rinse the wig with clean water.  Gently apply conditioner onto the wig and soak in the water for another 5 minutes. Rinse it again with clean water. 

4. Wrap the wig in a towel and gently pat out excess water. Hang up the clean wig and allow air to dry it. Avoid direct sunlight. 

5.  Brushing or combing it when it almost dry with wood comb. 

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